New President faces rising internal discord over cabinet posts Political analyst advises him to maintain…
IEC says continuous voter education is the way to obviate the problems SESUPO RANTSIMAKO The…
To re-table motions on electoral reforms as the official opposition Expects UDC to support its reforms as it did in the 12th Parliament Spokesman says UDC won’t change its earlier positions SESUPO…
Accuse MoH and BHPC of delaying their practising licences SESUPO RANTSIMAKO Scores of Batswana physiotherapy…
Says it seeks efficiency and stability in the civil service President Boko says meritocracy will…
BPP’s Nono Kgafela-Mokoka likely to be the only female SEMP LETLHOGILE MPUANG President Duma Boko…
President Duma Boko faces high expectations to address Botswana’s deep-rooted governance issues – including and…
BCP challenges IEC Secretary for allegedly misleading the court by denying the existence of the…
Botswana’s latest amendment mandates that MPs resign if they switch parties mid-term, aiming to…
New report reveals alarming gender disparity in Botswana’s election coverage, with women constituting less than…
Facing a challenging diamond market, Anglo American may cut De Beers’ production further as third-quarter…
… Batswana ditch the BDP after five decades of uninterrupted rule In a historic turn…